Pleasant Valley Climate Smart
The Climate Smart Communities (CSC) Certification initiative supports your local government in building a sustainable and balanced climate action program one step at a time.
Climate change is the change in the usual weather patterns of a region over a significant amount of time. It is not new. The climates on earth have always changed over time. However, we are currently experiencing rapid human induced climate change that is impacting all life on earth, including entire ecosystems, our infrastructure, food systems, economies etc.
The effects of climate change will endanger our infrastructure, economy and livelihoods. It will also harm our farms, orchards and ecological communities. This includes native fish and wildlife populations. It can cause the spread of invasive species and exotic diseases. Climate change can also reduce drinking water supplies and recreational opportunities as well as pose health threats to our citizens.
In 2016 the Town of Pleasant Valley took the CSC Pledge. In 2020 the Climate Smart Task Force and coordinator were named and approved by resolution.
We believe that our response to climate change provides us with an unprecedented opportunity. We hope to save money, build livable energy-independent and secure communities, vibrant innovation economies, healthy and safe schools and resilient infrastructures.
We believe the scale of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions required for climate stabilization will require sustained and substantial efforts.
We believe that even if emissions were dramatically reduced today, communities would still be required to adapt to the effects of climate change for decades to come.
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to changing climate we are committed to the following 10 pledge elements:
Build a climate-smart community
Inventory emissions, set goals and plan for climate action
Decrease energy use
Shift to clean, renewable energy
Use climate-smart materials management
Implement climate-smart land use
Enhance community resilience to climate change
Support a green innovation economy
Inform and inspire the public
Engage in an evolving process of climate action
2020 may have been one of the strangest years but the Task Force started planning for the future of Pleasant Valley. 2021 finds us just points away from reaching Bronze Certification and with the hard work of the Task Force, the cooperation of town officials and supportive residents; it now seems feasible.
Please look through our website to find ways you can help reduce GHG emissions and adapt to climate change as a community and in your own home. You can also see the progress we have made and continue to make.
More is about to happen. Stay tuned….