Arlington H.S.

On Wednesday October 7, 2021 the Arlington H.S. Environmental Awareness Club welcomed us into their meeting. Student advisors Adreienne de Mare and Cindy Binnie introduced us to a wonderful group of about 15 students. We introduced ourselves and briefly explained the Climate Smart program. The advisors and students had a discussion about their project for the year. The idea of composting, which had been done on a small scale in the past and was successful. There was also some discussion on reducing single use plastic use and recyclable bags. They welcomed our input and we theirs.

As the meeting was coming to a close we decided that we would love to collaborate on future events and we would each keep the other updated on our projects. So we will keep you posted too.

This is a bright group of dedicated indivduals with a desire to make this planet better. We felt good leaving the future of our planet in their hands.


October Meeting


Community Composting